Becoming Trauma Informed: Fear & Felt Safety
In Module 2, we learn more about how to help our children feel safe in our homes. Because being safe and feeling safe are two different things.
Providing Felt Safety through an Understanding of Foster Care
TBRI Toxic Stress & the Brain Animate
Recorded Webinar: Calming the Fear Response with Felt Safety
The Stress Response in Children
When Fear Visits Your Home
De-Escalation Strategies for Fear Based Moments
Teaching Kids about their Upstairs and Downstairs Brain
Giving Your Child those Happy Hormones Instead!
How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) Test
Resource Spotlight: Helping Your Child Who Has Food Insecurities
Resource Spotlight: Helping Your Child Who Has Sleep Struggles
Resource Spotlight: Helping Your Child Navigate Family Visits
Felt Safety is for Everyone in Your Home
Further Resources
Certificate of Completion